


A little about me and how Dipaways came to be... the world crazy sums it up nicely.

At 18, I was getting hugged by Scarlett Johansson on TV in front of millions, working on life-saving public health laws with Senator turned President Obama, and my face was on 15 million bags of Cool Ranch chips. Somehow, I became the only non-celebrity to win a Teen Choice Award too. In between, I finished school, dabbled in sports, and traveled speaking at events. I was fresh, learning the hustle, and having fun. 

Before diving into travel, I took time to explore new interests. I spent time at creative firms, consulted for brands we all know and love, and even managed marketing for a clean water charity. I was 100% learning on the go.

Then one day, I decided to drop everything and travel the world. Fast forward 10+ years, and I'm blessed to continue sharing meaningful travel experiences through Dipaways. Exploring diverse and intricate cultures with other travelers is truly unmatched. 

Dipaways and all my projects are fueled by curiosity, connection, and maybe a little delusion. Thanks for joining me, and I hope we'll travel together soon.

Meet Dricks,
CEO & Founder of

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